We have spoken to and been advised by dieticians that, you, a user of prescription feed, can either:
- choose to throw it away, or
- so long as the feed is in date, clean, dry and has been stored safely (in accordance with manufacturers guidelines), and contains no medication, pass it on to someone else (for FREE).
Feed passed on to someone, who is not the named prescribed user, cannot be passed on as a chargeable item – to exchange it for profit would mean that the persons involved would be breaking the law.
While the Health Technical Memorandum 07-01: Safe Management of Healthcare Waste (2013)[1] states that medicines of a prescribed nature need to be returned to a pharmacy (see Pharmacovigilance) as a hazardous waste item, prescription feed, it has been advised to us, does not fall under this legislation, so long as the feed does not:
- contain any hazardous properties,
- contain any medication, or
- is contaminated with body fluids or medicines.
Guidelines of the storage for feed
National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines stipulate that "all feeds should be stored according to the manufacturer's instructions." [2] Further recommendations add to this that:
- It is important to store (tube) feed in a way that keeps it as its very best.
- You should store it in a cool, dry place (5-25°C) away from direct sunlight and somewhere it will not freeze.
- Always check the best before date and shake the bottle/packet before opening.
[1] https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/... /HTM_07-01_Final.pdf
[2] https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/cg139/ifp/chapter/enteral-feeding
[3] http://www.tube-feeding.com/FAQ/